
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sink. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Sink, Adriana 1873-03-02 1932-06-13 van Hoogdalem, Klaas
Sink, Frederik about 1821 1888-07-28 van Zanten, Cornelia
Sink, Hendrik 1854-05-10 1897-07-04 Kentie, Elisabeth
Sink, Hendrik Frederik 1881-10-02 1882-07-17  
Sink, Teunis 1855-09-03 1882-05-09 Kentie, Jenneke
Sink, Willem about 1793 before 1895 Bats, Johanna Catharina
Sink, Willem 1822-07-20 1901-11-25 Kruijs, Geertrui